The story of the meeting between King Solomon and Queen Sheba set the traditions of the love story between the wise King Solomon and the Beautiful Queen Sheba. From the story of their love came their son, Manelik, which means the son of wisest of all.
The love chest is made of clay, and inside are two lovers. The chest plays an important role in couples' relationships. The chest is located next to the couples' bed and serves as an object of interpersonal communication, and it hints at the status of their relationship. When the women does not want to make love to her partner, she leaves the chest of love closed. However, when she is interested in lovemaking she opens the chest as a sign.
The love chest is the ultimate wedding gift. It symbolizes a culture of hundreds of years, none the less it is a very contemporary and unique gift.
Hand made by the artist Edna Sanabato from the South of Israel. Edna Sanabato participates in the women group of Ehete (My Sister in Amharic) center.