Fresh Almonds - 500g
The raw crop almonds comes from the Arab village Iksal which is located south of Nazareth. This village is famous for its delicious almonds among the best in the country. In addition, this area is particularly suitable for crops. About 750 acres of almond trees, irrigated and non irrigated, providing an income of about 100 families.
These almonds are a special species called Umm al-Fahm, having a unique taste, size and a soft bark. A farmer from the village discovered it about thirty years ago. After the discovery, many Arab farmers in the area began replacing their old trees with these newly discovered species. New orchards were planted and almonds became an essential source of income of local farmers.
Some of the farmers in the village make a living on almonds, while for others it is an important source of the family's income. "The almond project at Axal sets a precedent", says Dr. Fathi Abd al-Hadi. "As a result of our success, additional attempts were made to organize farmers in both Iskal and other Arab villages. Unfortunately, the Ministry of Agriculture ignores these attempts, and misses an excellent opportunity to develop backwards agriculture in the Arad sector. So far, Iksal's experience remains an exceptional and isolated project in the Arad sector in Israel.